Update 9.1.2023

Our family had such a great summer! Nate has become a little toddler and while super tiring for us, we also love our little firecracker!

Nate still keeps up with PT and feeding therapy (which he loves his teachers). We’ve found out that his favorite part of therapy is watching other kids 😝. He’s now a mobile little human being and has gotten to explore a little of the world around him (quick trips to the aquarium, duck park, pet store, and oc zoo!). We even did a small trip to pretend city’s baby morning! We’ve also had mini playdates with friends (missing pics with with the Ker family) and little guy just keeps running around like he’s the busiest busy body in the world. He’s also 100% toddler entering the screaming phase of his life, throwing anything and everything (our house is a disaster), being dramatic, fighting sleep (totally a night owl) and all things that drive parents nuts. But we still love him.

Also this summer, we are thankful we only landed in the hospital once for a fever and only stayed for a couple hours in the ER. He had his second ambulance ride as part of his hospital stay. Labs came back negative for all major viruses so we think it was a small virus he caught. It was a rough trip for everyone so we’re just thankful he’s better now. (And thankful God has provided good health insurance). The reason we still remain cautious about close contact, is to prevent hospital stays. After heart surgery, Nate immune system should be stronger and this will be something we won’t need to worry about as much.

As we wrap up summer, we will start slowing down and prepping for a heart cath at the end of the month. We are praying that the findings will show his lung pressure have decreased as a result of time and new meds we started. If it has decreased, we will be looking at open heart surgery soonafter. But as always, all these medical plans are never set in stone and we just wait for Nate to tell us that he’s ready.

I’ll prob post an update closer to his cath… Until then, happy September!

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